I will tell you how to download top 10 shake effect. The download link of this shake preset is given below.
First of all you need Alight Motion online. Now you must be wondering why I am using only Alight Motion. Because Alite supports Shake Effect in Alight motion only. That’s why we are going to use Alight motion. The reason to use the Alight Motion app is the effect and availability of sharing projects in the app. So if you do not have Elite Motion app in your phone then you cannot use this preset.
So you have to download Alight motion. Now you have to follow what I will tell you. So we are going to download Shake Effect in Alight Motion in two ways.
First of all, we are going to talk about the former method. How you can download Shake Effect in Alight motion in the previous way. So first of all you will get a link below. Below you will get blue color download button.
You have to click on it. Then you have to wait for 30 seconds, then there you will get the option of “CLICK TO DOWNLOAD”, you have to click on it. There you will find the Alight Motion Presets Link.
After that you have to click on Alight motion Presets Link. After that you have to wait for a while. After that your allied motion will open, after that you will be shown two options, first CANCEL and second IMPORT, then you have to click on the second number IMPORT button. After that you will be getting Top 10 Shake Effect shows in it.
Now you have to know how to use Shake Effect. So first of all you have to select any one of the 10 Shake Effect, after that you have to click on Animation. Now you will be getting many options shows below. So you have to click on the option with Effect below. After that 3Dots option will be showing. You have to click on it. After that you will have two more options, out of which you have to click on the option with Copy Effect. So your Shake Effect will be copied.
Alight Motion Top 10 Shake Effect Preview
After that you have to go to Baiga from there, now you have to come to the home page, after that you will be shown below 5 options. Out of that, you have to click on the plus option in the middle. After that you have to create any project. After that you will be getting the Black Project show. Now you will be showing the plus icon below, you have to click on it. After that you have to click on the option. After that you have to write any name. After that you have to click on the color option above.
Now you have to select any color. After that there will be an option of Effect on the side, you have to click on it. After that you will get many fonts there, you have to select any one. After that you have to don there. Now you have to click on the name that you have written. After that you have to click on the Effect option below. After that you have to click on 3dots. After that you have to click on the option of Paste Effect. So the name you have written. Effect will come on that
How To Download This Shake Effect Pack?
At the bottom you will find Black color download button. You have to click on it. Then you have to wait for 30 seconds, then there you will get the option of “CLICK TO DOWNLOAD”, you have to click on it. There you will find Alight motion Presets Link and Xml File. will get